Classical Writing Plutarch

Book VI:  Plutarch
Progymnasmata Encomium, Invective, and Comparison ~ 10th grade


Plutarch, featuring the progymnasmata Encomium (Praise), Invective (Blame), and Comparison, follows our book Herodotus. It should be studied in high school.

This book focuses on Ceremonial Rhetoric, rhetoric for special occasions such as anniversaries or funeral orations. The goal of ceremonial rhetoric is to praise or blame a person, place or event.
Our mascot for this book, Plutarch of Chaeronea, is one of the most influential ancient philosophers. His moral treatises have found a larger audience than any other ancient philosopher’s writings. Plutarch sought to explain philosophical topics to non-philosophical readers, Greek and Roman alike. Plutarch’s biographies of famous Romans and Greeks are our key model texts for this book.

In Plutarch our students write about historical figures. The literary models used in this book include selections from Plutarch’s Lives, Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War, George Eliot’s Silas Marner, and many others.

View the Scope and Sequence for Plutarch

What to Buy for Plutarch:

• core text needed for Plutarch
• non-consumable
• lessons laid out in weeks with a co-op friendly format
• prerequisite: completion of Herodotus is recommended,but not required.
• appropriate for 9th-12th grades
Student Companion is highly recommended


Plutarch Companion
• available in print and pdf versions
• 15 weeks of assignments covering all of Plutarch
• weekly schedules for all assignments
• optional reading schedule for literature to accompany Plutarch
• includes all models, charts, and tables needed
• editing checklists for writing projects
• answer key for selected exercises

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I know if my students are ready for Plutarch?

The best preparation for Plutarch is  Diogenes: Chreia. However, students new to Classical Writing can start with this text. It is recommended that students have had at least some experience with retelling narratives.

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